Hasil Login E filing Income Tax (Use Strong Password)

E filing Income Tax Hasil Login (Use Strong Password)

E filing Income Tax hasil login

Individuals who are eligible to pay taxes each year are obliged to use the efiling 2024 system to file and declare their income tax in the taxation year.

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Login E filing is a system or application managed and supervised under the management of the Internal Revenue Board (IRB) to facilitate the business of taxpayers and enable them to submit a Real Income Tax Form (BNCP) online.

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How To Register To Access Hasil Login

The EzHASIL Portal is a portal that allows taxpayers to access the e-filing system in order to authorise them to file the income tax declaration form.

Users who want to access the ezHASil portal must first register online through the MyTax application.

Here are the ways to register an ezHasil account: 

  1. Applicants must be present at any IRB branch near them or buy their IRB PIN number online through the application e-Daftar. 
  2. Then, browse the link page at https://mytax.hasil.gov.my
  3. Click on the “ e filing Login for the first time” section. 
  4. Enter the PIN number and taxpayer information completely.
  5. Finally, registration succeeded.

How To Access Hasil E Filing Login

E-filing can be done through the MyTax application. Here are the ways to log in to an lhdn e filing login account: 

  1. Browse the website to access income tax login, https://mytax.hasil.gov.my
  2. Enter the user identification card number. 
  3. Click on the “Submit” button. 
  4. Then, click on the right and click on the “ezHASIL services” section. 
  5. Select e-filing. 
  6. Finally, users can start making their tax return files.

How To Fill Up

Every taxpayer is obliged to file their tax returns online to make it easier for them to declare their annual taxes.

The filing can be done through the MyTax portal by filling in the individual tax information completely.

Here are the ways to fill out an IRB tax form by e-filing:

  1. Browse the website to access e-filing login, https://mytax.hasil.gov.my
  2. The user should click on the main menu section and select the ezHASIL service. 
  3. Select the “e-filing lhdn” section. 
  4. Click on the happy “e-Form” and click to choose the correct tax year form. 
  5. Fill out the form in full with the taxpayer’s information. 
  6. Enter the user’s tax information. 
  7. In the Akuan section, click on the “Sign and Send” button. 
  8. Enter the reference number and user password correctly. 
  9. Finally, click on the “Save & Print Authentication” or “Serve & Print e-BE” button.

How To Check E Filing Lhdn Number

Each taxpayer has their own tax reference number to allow them to do whatever they want with the IRB.

It’s unique and different for all taxpayers.

These tax numbers can be checked online to make it easier for taxpayers to know their tax numbers.

It can be checked through the e-Daftar application. Here are the ways to check their tax reference numbers that can be used for e-filing businesses: 

  1. Browse the e-Daftar web link at https://mytax.hasil.gov.my  as Figure 1.0.
  2. The user must choose the type of ID card. 
  3. Enter the identification card number in the space provided. 
  4. Enter the security code as specified. 
  5. Enter the email address and phone number of the user as registered with the IRB.
  6. Finally, click on the “Send” button, and their e-filing lhdn tax number will be displayed.

Why E Filing Login Portal Is Not Working

Every taxpayer needs to make their tax payments online via the MyTax platform every year in March and April.

Failure to file and declare their taxes will be penalised by the IRB. This is because the occurrence of traffic interference on the IRB server related to the file system caused this e-filing process to become slow and fail to be filed.

Therefore, taxpayers are obliged to plan the appropriate time to make their tax filings.

When Is The Deadline For Submitting EFiling In 2024

The deadline for submission of tax forms by e-filing lhdn for the year 2022 is 30 April 2024.

How Long Does It Take For Lhdn To Refund

Every year, the rate of individual tax payments is different.

The taxpayer will probably make a tax surplus for the IRB. Thus, the taxpayer can make a tax overpayment claim against the IRB.

The payment of such claims will be received by the taxpayer within 30 days of the date of efiling the tax form via e-filing lhdn or 90 days from the day of submission of the tax form in 2024.

How To I Get My Tax Refund From Lhdn

Tax refunds received by taxpayers will be credited to the taxpayer in accordance with the specified periods.

Taxpayers will receive their tax refunds from the IRB after any tax information provided by the taxpayer is correct and complete, as in the Borang Nyata, and there is an excess of the amount of tax paid.

Thus, the IRB will refund them by crediting the tax surplus they paid into the taxpayer’s bank account.

When Can I Check My Lhdn Refund Status

Individual taxpayers can make their tax refund checks online. It’s easier and faster to find out the status of their refund process.

This check can be made through the MyTax portal.

Users need to log in to their user account and click on “MyTax Status”. The status will be displayed to the taxpayer.

Not only that, taxpayers can also contact the IRB to find out the current status of their refunds.

Can LHDN Check Your Bank Account

The IRB is the body that manages taxes in Malaysia. Indirectly, the information of the taxpayer’s bank will be disclosed for the purposes of checking the identities of individuals and companies.

Therefore, the IRB can access the bank accounts of each taxpayer. However, access to these taxpayers’ bank accounts can only be granted if the court authorises them to do so.

As a matter of fact, the IRBs can’t access the taxpayers bank accounts without a court order.