Mykasih Register Recipient Portal

Mykasih Recipient portal register and login to check online

mykasih login register 2024

This recipient portal is a welfare distribution program that has been introduced by the Foundation, a non-profit organization (NGO) with a mission to help impoverished families and students. The proprietary chip technology of the MyKad is used to channel financial aid to targeted beneficiaries. Cashless aid is provided to enhance the practice of cashless spending as well as to reduce the use of cash when making any transactions.

Among the funding programs established under the organization are food aid programs, COVID-19 MCO Cashless Food Aid Support, Sumbangan Asas Rahmah (SARA), and many more.

These aids are intended to help the unfortunate communities by relieving their financial burden in facing the rising cost of living.

Hence, through the distribution of these aids, the government could break the cycle of poverty that occurred in Malaysia.

Is It Need To Apply Mykasih Online

Individuals who receive this aid are individuals who are eligible and entitled to receive government financial aid, which are low-income groups.

To obtain aid from portal, there is no need to apply and register online application to be made at registration online login

Process of mykasih application is automatic, in which it is taken into account as a recipient who is already registered in the government database, i.e., the e-Kasih database.

Therefore, there is no application for registration needed by the public to obtain this financial aid.

How to Claim At

The status of portal financial aid must be checked in advance before this application can be made by the recipient, either approved or rejected upon receiving the aid.

Here are the ways to review and make a claim in the online application: 

  1. Applicants need to browse the
  2. Click on the “Check Status” button. 
  3. Enter the number of the applicant’s ID card and captcha
  4. Then, click on the “Check status” button. 
  5. Finally, the status of this aid will be displayed, and the claim may be made in any store listed under the sara program.

Why Did I Fail To Get This Financial Assistance,

This aid recipients are individuals who meet the eligibility requirements set by the government.

The following are among the eligibility requirements that must be met by this the recipients;

  1. Recipient must be a Malaysian citizen.
  2. They are the recipients of the Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) 2024.
  3. Recipient names are listed in the e-Kasih data, the State Federal Office, or the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU) of the Prime Minister’s Department.

Individuals who do not qualify as above will be excluded from receiving this financial assistance.

Thus, the recipient must first make sure they meet the specified requirements before submit application at here, my

What Is The Amount Of Financial Assistance Available For This Program

A total of 210,000 Aid recipients are individuals that are classified as low-income groups.

They are entitled to receive RM600 within 6 months with the purpose of easing their household burden.

They will be entitled to receive this aid in the form of cashless payments up to RM600 as long as their name is in the eKasih database.

It is an initiative established by the Malaysian government in the form of food aid.

The aid amounting to RM600 is allocated for the eKasih recipient and will be distributed to them for RM100 monthly.

Check mykasih login can be done online through their official website portal. This aid will be disbursed to the recipients through an ID card for purchases at stores that are listed under this program.

How To Spend This Financial Aid Money

This financial aid is given with the purpose of letting the recipients make a purchase on essential items.

There are around 600 stores, consisting of supermarkets, grocery shops, and retail outlets, involved in this cashless aid.

A list of stores can be referred to at to make it easier for the recipients to check the nearest outlets for them to make a purchase.

One of them is 99 Speedmart, Lotus Store, Giant, and many more.

Therefore, spending of the financial assistance can be made at any stores listed under this program within the amount of money credited in the recipients’ MyKad.